94% of Workloads Will Be in Cloud by 2021: Expert Insights to Avoid Costly Mistakes

As businesses increasingly rely on digital transformation, the adoption of cloud technology is gaining momentum at an unprecedented rate.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses are rapidly embracing cloud technology to stay ahead of the curve. The driving forces behind this trend are clear: enhanced flexibility, scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. These benefits are revolutionizing the way companies operate, enabling them to scale their computing resources in line with their growth and ensuring operational excellence. By leveraging cloud computing, businesses can meet the evolving demands of their customers and stay competitive in today's fast-paced market. For expert insights on best practices and common pitfalls to avoid, visit computerstechnicians.com.

According to Cisco's statistical projections, a staggering 94 percent of workloads and compute instances will be processed in cloud data centers by 2021. Whether you're considering migrating your business operations to the cloud or not, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. Having a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and potential pitfalls will empower you to make an informed decision. With the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of cloud computing and take your business to the next level.

Best Practices for a Smooth Cloud Migration

Develop a Comprehensive Cloud Migration Strategy

Before making the move to the cloud, it's essential to devise a detailed strategy. Conduct extensive research to gain a deeper understanding of the cloud environment, security, and computing services. Moreover, you need to have a thorough grasp of your existing business challenges and future objectives. By doing so, you can create a tailored strategy that meets your unique needs and sets you up for success.

Formulate a strategy to maximize the benefits of cloud adoption by tracking the rapidly evolving standards in cloud computing. Additionally, it's vital to analyze various migration strategies and consider the financial implications. Before making the transition, crunch the numbers and compare cloud computing expenses with in-house IT expenditures. This will help you determine the most suitable solution for your business and ensure a seamless migration.

Evaluate Cloud Computational Models to Find the Best Fit

Each business has unique requirements, so it's crucial to assess different cloud computing models in detail and determine which one best suits your business needs. There are four cloud deployment models to choose from – public, private, hybrid, and community. Furthermore, there are three fundamental models of cloud service used for different types of computing – Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). By understanding the key differences between various cloud environments and service models, you can make an informed decision for your organization.

Tap into the Expertise of Seasoned IT Professionals

Streamlining your business operations and processes doesn't necessitate any hardware installation, which is why many companies opt to undertake the procedure in-house. Nevertheless, enlisting the services of seasoned IT experts can be a significant boon. Ensure you select a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that aligns perfectly with your business, operational, security, and compliance requirements. With a plethora of CSPs available, it can be a daunting task to identify the ideal one. In addition to the prominent players like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, the cloud service sphere is also populated by smaller niche players offering tailored services. Make sure to conduct thorough research, as it empowers you to evaluate potential cloud partners accurately.

Consider the Consequences: Risk and Compliance Factors

Introducing new technology inevitably brings inherent risks, and it's your duty to mitigate these factors and ensure adherence to industry regulations. Before transitioning to the cloud, it's vital to have an in-depth understanding of potential risks and regulatory compliance issues. If your business operates in a heavily regulated industry, such as healthcare, legal, or e-commerce, which handles sensitive user information, then it's crucial to maintain compliance with regulations and standards. Therefore, make it a point to evaluate the terms and conditions of your cloud vendor beforehand.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Don't Overlook Critical Elements

Migrating your business operations to the cloud environment is a significant step. However, you need to pay attention to every minute detail and have a comprehensive understanding of each factor. Gathering more knowledge not only helps in devising better strategies and making informed decisions but also makes the transition process seamless and hassle-free.

Security Should Never Be Compromised

Whether you're moving your entire business operations to the cloud or only a part of it, security should always be the top priority. Performing automated testing before the cloud migration will help in assessing and reporting performance issues. Since security is an integral part of automated testing, it's essential to extend it to the DevOps tools and organization as well. How does the cloud service provider address your security concerns? Do they provide a guarantee in terms of the safety of authentication and authorization? Make sure to discuss all the security and compliance requirements with them in detail, before making the move.

Avoid the "One-Size-Fits-All" Approach

It's a common mistake for companies to attempt to migrate their entire application portfolio to the cloud simultaneously. However, some programs and files may still require traditional data center storage for security reasons. Moreover, certain applications built on legacy technology may need significant modifications to integrate with the cloud. Therefore, it's crucial to assess these applications to determine the time and effort required for necessary changes. Prioritize applications based on their business value derived from cloud migration, and consider seeking the expertise of a chief technology officer to guide your migration strategy.

The Pivotal Function of Governance Frameworks

Establishing a robust governance infrastructure is often overlooked by many organizations, yet its absence can have far-reaching consequences, including stalled initiatives, regulatory fines, budget excesses, and more. According to Forrester, governance encompasses "the capacity to provide strategic guidance, monitor performance, allocate resources, and implement adjustments to ensure that organizational goals are achieved, while adhering to risk tolerance and compliance requirements." A well-crafted governance framework empowers organizations to effectively track, safeguard, and manage their services and resources.

Key Takeaways

As businesses leverage the potential of cloud computing, they must meticulously evaluate, plan, implement, and refine their adoption strategy. By adhering to the guidelines outlined here, companies can mitigate disruption, ensure regulatory adherence, and optimize costs.

Ava Parker

102 Blog posts
