How to Install Git on Windows – A Step-by-Step Guide

Master the steps to install Git on Windows 10 and manage your code efficiently with this guide.

Git is an essential tool for developers, helping with version control and collaboration. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, knowing how to install Git on Windows is a crucial skill. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install Git on Windows and set it up to get you started.

Step 1: Download Git

To install Git on Windows, the first step is downloading the Git installer. Head over to Git's official website and download the latest version compatible with your Windows system. For those using Windows 10, ensure you grab the "install Git on Windows 10" specific installer for better compatibility.

Step 2: Start the Installation Process

Once the installer is downloaded, locate it in your downloads folder and double-click to run the setup. A setup wizard will appear guiding you through the process on how to install Git on Windows. Follow the default recommendations unless you need a custom setup.

Step 3: Adjust Installation Settings

The installer will offer a variety of setup configurations, such as choosing the text editor to use with Git, the default branch name, and adjusting PATH environment settings. The most crucial option is "Adjusting your PATH environment." Select "Git from the command line and also from third-party software" to ensure you can use Git both from the command prompt and from other software like Visual Studio Code.

Step 4: Complete Installation

Once you’ve made your selections, click "Next" through the setup process. Finally, hit "Install" and let the wizard do its magic. After the installation is complete, check the "Launch Git Bash" box and hit finish. You have now successfully completed the how to install Git on Windows process.

Step 5: Verify Installation

Now that you’ve installed Git, it’s time to verify it. Open Git Bash or the command prompt and type:

If you see the version of Git you installed, congratulations! You’ve learned how to install Git on Windows 10 successfully.


Now that you know how to install Git on Windows, you're ready to start managing your projects efficiently. Whether you’re a solo developer or working in a team, using Git will undoubtedly boost your productivity and keep your codebase organized.

rose rusell

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